
Yey for 1 year of breastfeeding!

Primo’s first birthday also marks our 1 year of breastfeeding journey (and counting…) I never thought we can reach this far. It’s honestly tiring, and frustrating sometimes. But when you think about doing it for your beloved little one, you will feel all the challenges that come with it are worth it! I am not at all expert at breastfeeding but I would like to share some tips/learnings I got as we go thru this journey.

1. You probably heard or read this many times, but I’ll say it again. Never doubt your body’s capability to produce milk. I honestly understand Mommies that chose to formula fed their baby in the first few days because the milk is not there yet! But, I think it’s important that you decide during your pregnancy and trust your body that you will produce milk even before you give birth. This mindset is very important. Consider breastfeeding as your top option and not an alternative. Similarly, I do understand and respect Moms who decide to fully formula fed their babies. They have their reason, and we have ours. To each is own.

2. Communicate your desire to breastfeed to your husband, family or your support group during the pregnancy. Express how important their support is for you to be successful in this journey, and learn together on how is this beneficial to the baby. I think a lot of “mistreatment” about breastfeeding is due lack of correct information about it.

3. Prepare for it. Try to understand what’s it’s about, how it works, and what can possibly be done to have a smoother journey. Keep in mind that this will not going to be easy, but be commited to doing your best to do it.

4. Be a proud padede mommy in your own way. I must admit it can be embarassing to nurse in public for the first few weeks but you can get used to it. Be proud you are doing it because it’s for your baby and it’s the best you can give. Each of us has a different level of courage in terms of being a proud padede momma. But what is important is we know why we are doing it, and we are proud of our decision to breastfeed – with or without covers.

As for me and Primo, I do not know when this journey of us will end, but while we are still at it, we’ll make the best time out of these precious moments. ❤️

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