
Some Life Updates

2013 is really a life-changing year for me. For one, I am getting married on October, and just recently, I resigned from work, and will be transferring to a new company. You see, I love Newly Weds! I love the passion of the people there. But I need to think long-term. Honestly, I do not see my self staying there for good. I still have the drive, and I can feel that there are a lot in store for me, but I also know that sooner or later, I will be seeking other opportunities — but I did not expect it will be this soon. If you read my earlier posts, I mentioned about my exam at P&G, and a panel interview at Unilever. I got in at Unilever. I did not expect it at all, since I honestly feel my interview did not went well, but I was offered a challenging job, something I can not turn down – especially coming from a company like Unilever. It was a hard decision, but i feel it’s a blessing. I know it will not going to be easy, but I’m excited to start my work. Would like to share a piece of advise an office mate told me when I told her about this, that i should shine everywhere I go, shine in a good way and always be humble. I am thankful for this blessing, and I’ve been praying for this. And I promise I will do my best. 🙂

On the lighter side of my life, our wedding preparation is still ongoing. I’m being impatient at times. Hehe. I can see that Di is excited too. Few more months hon. ❤