
What I learned in 2020

2020 doesn’t need any introduction, every day and in the years and decades to come, there will be thousands, maybe even millions of things to be written about 2020. It will be forever in our history. The year that changed all of us. What do I learn?

  1. Life is short. We can die next week, tomorrow, later, or even at this moment. And the truth is, we will never know when, we will never know how much time we have left in this world. It made me think about the kind of life I live in my existence here in this world. I am happy to say, I have no regrets. And I vow to live my life fully. Embrace who I am, accept my weakness, and celebrate my strengths and small victories.
  2. Family is family. 2020 brought us back to the basics of our living – at least for me, I know now, that the world can turn its back on me, but my family will always be there.
  3. You can never truly know a person – whoever that is, your family member, your closest friend, even your spouse. As you spend time with them, you will discover new things – good and bad about them. Understand them, and never judge.
  4. Mental health is important. In this day and age, there many things that burden us, and we don’t even know it’s affecting our life already sometimes. It’s necessary to take a break, breath, and eliminate the toxic vibes in your life. There’s no single thing more important than our own sanity.
  5. Life purpose is overrated. People spend their time chasing that one purpose, and some died without knowing if they found it. My belief? Wherever you are standing right now is your purpose. You are given the free will to give meaning to whatever you are doing and wherever life carries you in your journey.
  6. Being good is more important than being happy. It’s the acceptance that we exist in this world not to chase happiness, but to continuously try to do good, is where we will find the fulfillment of our life. It’s not rocket science, but we are too occupied getting what we want, or what we thought we need in our life, that we failed to see what living is all about.
  7. And lastly, there is a perfect time for everything. Life is short but we do not need to hurry. Take it slow and feel everything – the pain, the joy, grief, everything. It is what makes us feel alive. If we put our heart into what we are doing, no matter what it is – it will lead us where we are destined to be.

Life must go on.

Hope this year brings us the truest love we deserve and the meaningful life we are praying for. The journey continues.